No 10 ditches plan to shield over-50s after backlash from ministers
news briefing
Russians 'hacked Cabinet minister'
Tory rape claim Alleged victim urges Chief Whip to name accused former minister
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Jaguar Land Rover loses legal battle to trademark Defender design
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The 'woke' have won - it's too late for our unis if academics need to hide their views
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Once people realise what Boris' Brexit deal means, they'll want a cleaner break
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Letters to the editor
We flattened the sombrero, now allow us to rescue our livelihoods
The Telegraph View
The Government must end its damaging mixed messaging on lockdown
Hume was a giant of Irish politics
John Hume, SDLP leader who stood up for peaceful nationalism and won the Nobel Prize
Sydney Lotterby, veteran of BBC comedy behind shows including Porridge and Yes Minister
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BBC says lesbian kiss scene in the Next Step was important for inclusivity message, following 100 complaints
First case of bone cancer discovered in dinosaurs, scientists claim
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Eat Out To Help Out is a catastrophe that will only make our already obese nation even fatter
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8 summer style lessons to learn from the Duchess of Cambridge
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Health & Fitness
WHO head: there might never be a coronavirus ‘silver bullet’, despite the coming vaccines